Sunday, 27 November 2016

R12.2 : fs_clone failed with "s_atName" and "s_shared_file_system" Context Variables Multinode configuration


 [WARNING]: There could be issues while validating the ports used for E-Business Suite instance against ports used in /etc/services. Refer the log file for more details.
        [WARNING]: Either some of the required entries in /etc/hosts file might be missing (e.g. localhost or hostname) OR the file /etc/hosts could not be read.


Note: appnode1 is primary, appnode2 is secondary

1. Check for the below in $CONTEXT_FILES both RUN & PATCH file system

  • s_shared_file_system is set to true for SHARED_APPL_TOP if not change it to true 
  • s_atName  is set to appnode1 hostname in CONTEXT_FILE of appnode2, if not set it appnode1 hostname

2. Check the values using below command sourcing patch/run:

  • grep -i "s_atName" $CONTEX_FILE
  • grep -i "s_shared_file_system" $CONTEX_FILE

3. Shut down application services
5. Run Autoconfig in dbTier, appnode1 run&patch , appnode2 run&patch
6. Run the fs_clone now.

adop prepare fails with "s_atName And s_shared_file_system Context Variables Are Not In SYNC" (Doc ID 2176137.1)

Oracle : Database Startup Time

 Oracle Instance Startup Time SET LINES 2000 SET PAGES 9999 COLUMN INSTANCE_NAME FOR A20 SELECT     instance_name,     to_char(startup_time,...